
CEN has a suite of reviews and 360 degree appraisals, specifically developed for our purposes in conjunction with CISIT (Calnin International Schools Improvement Toolkit), along with our experienced and trusted CEN consultants, that will deliver direct, constructive, and practical feedback and advice to Boards, Principals, and Senior Staff members.

Governance (Board Review)

Effective leadership starts at the top. Boards are encouraged to be open to reviewing their own leadership roles first. Transparency by leaders encourages a smoother review of other parts of the school community. The Governance review looks carefully at the structure and effectiveness of the board.

360 Degree Reviews

These surveys probe different aspects of leadership in a Christian school under categories such as: Leadership Approach, Strategic Leadership, Operational and Systems Management, Educational Leadership, Team Performance, Making Decisions, Change Management, Student Focus, Responsiveness to the School Community, Public Presentations, Board-Principal Relationships, and others.

We offer 360 reviews for the following positions:

  • Principal / CEO
  • Deputies
  • Executive teams
  • Middle management leaders
  • Business managers
  • Chaplains
  • Teaching and learning coordinator/leaders
  • Other roles as requested…

Financial or Administration Overview

Effective administrative management, as well as careful financial organisation and structure, is imperative to your school running well. A closer look at your structure can help refine strategy and proactively pin point areas requiring attention.

Community Response

What are people saying about your school? Have you “felt the pulse” of your community? The Community Response survey tools help gauge feedback from your parents, students, and staff.

Options include:

  • Parent satisfaction
  • Staff satisfaction
  • Student satisfaction
  • Year 12 Student Exit Survey

Whole School Review

Sometimes schools want a detailed and extensive picture of how the school is performing from academic performance, to keeping alive the vision, to financial health, to the performance of its leadership group, to the reputation of the school. Having an extensive external review allows for detailed probing of some delicate areas and provides an objective look at the things to be celebrated as well as identifying the areas for improvement. Where a whole school review is required, this will be carefully mapped out with the principal and board to ensure that the review covers all areas.

Strategic Planning

As an organisation we understand Christian education and have a vested interest in seeing Christian schools thrive and in particular, remain truly faithful to their distinctive Christian approach. In our opinion, walking along this kind of adventure is essential to do with professional friends that understand you, from a Christian perspective.

CEN has experienced and competent consultants to assist your board and / or team in a strategic planning exercise.


When it comes to recruitment of Executive leadership, CEN is well networked and able to manage this entire process for you. Principals and Boards are time poor. We are happy to step in and take the pressure off this process whilst remaining fully transparent with you and your board. In this process CEN is able to:

  • Manage a process to determine the kind of person you need
  • Arrange a suggested advertisement and position description
  • Manage all administrative tasks – posting the position, receiving applications, suggesting shortlisted candidates, preparing and arranging interviews etc
  • Preparing a letter of offer and relevant contract
  • Managing all dealings with applicants
  • Providing ongoing and detailed progress reports

CEN can conduct recruitment consultancies for the following positions:

  • Principal / CEO
  • Business Managers
  • Deputy Principal

CEN reviews are designed to help you, not to overwhelm you or your team. Our goal is to provide you with a thorough, yet constructive, review. Engaging CEN provides you with resources, insight, and experience beyond what is available internally in your own school.

Contact us if you’d like more information or to arrange a consultancy.